2023 Meeting Highlights

October 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: October 26, 2023

Venue: In-Person Meeting

Attendance: 33 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees at the Annual Meeting.


Keoni acknowledged our special guest, Kimberly Leung (Western District President).

Grant deadlines for the C.S. Papacostas Grant and the Fred Smoot Grant will be January 1, 2024. For more information and for the application, please click here.

Committee Chairs

Legislative Committee – Current chair, Jefferson Young will continue in 2024
Technical Committee – Yifeng Mao (stepping down for new career in Washington)
HCES Committee – Warren Yamamoto (stepping down in 2024)/Joel Thomas to take over in 2024
OMPO Representative – Robert Nehmad (stepping down in 2024)
Student Chapter President – Jonah Lorica (stepping down in 2024)/Ruimin Lin (Current)
Student Chapter Professional Liaison – Current co-chairs Chayson Dulatre/Joshua Ramelb to continue in 2024


Keoni gave a quick review of the meetings and accomplishments of the Hawaii Section. The following were mentioned:
May – 3rd Annual Technical Solutions Event
August – ITE Joint International/Western District Annual Meeting where the chapter as well as some of our members received awards.
September – DTS Skyline Rail Tour
4 Sections meetings including our first hybrid meeting

Then Keoni presented this years Appreciation Award to Yifeng Mao for his contributions to the Hawaii Section and helping to make the DTS Rail Tour possible.

Cathy Leong then announced the Election Results (see below) and our special guest Kimberly Leung swore in the officers.
President – Keoni Wasano
Vice President – Michelle Lindsey
Secretary-Treasurer – Joel Thomas

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked everyone for attending and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

February 2024 – Engineer’s Week (We will be looking for volunteers so please be on the lookout for our emails regarding this event)
Western District Annual Meeting in Sacramento June 23-26, 2024 (Hotel and meeting registration is open. For more information, please click here.

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

September 2023 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: September 21, 2023

Venue: In-Person Meeting

Attendance: 21 Participants

Welcome Attendees

After meeting at the Halawa Station for the technical tour, President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees.


Keoni announced upcoming meetings. See list below for upcoming meeting:
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social

We were then joined by DTS Deputy Director, Jon Nouchi, who thanked everyone for being there and to have a fun and informative tour.


DTS had an electric bus waiting to transport the group to the DTS Skyline Rail Operations Center. Upon arriving, the group was split between two teams where one group went on a tour of their maintenance facility and the other went on a tour of the control center. Each group was led by Skyline experts who provided great content for our members. After the tour was over, we were transported to the Leeward Community College station where we rode Skyline back to the Halawa Station. Photos from the event can be viewed on our ITE Section website.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the DTS and Yifeng Mao for hosting the tour and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social (Click here for flyer). For more information and to register click here.

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

August 2023 Meeting Highlights

The ITE Hawaii Section was well represented during the 2023 Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon held between August 13th to the16th. Hawaii Section Director Jasmine Teramae-Kaehuaea served as the Section’s representative to the Annual Board Meeting held on Sunday, August 13. 

In addition to a high participation at the Joint Annual Meeting, the Hawaii Section and a number of members from the Section were also recognized for the following: 

  • “Section/Chapter Activities Award for Small Section”- ITE Hawaii Section
  • “Individual Achievement Award 2023”- Jennylyn Tapat Morrill
  • Cathy Leong was recognized for her work as Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) Chair for the Western District
  • “Western District Student Chapter Momentum Award” – ITE Hawaii Student Chapter
  • Student Regional Travel Scholarship – Ruimin Lin

Save the date for Sacramento!

Don’t miss out on next year’s Annual Meeting and save the date for June 23-26, 2024.  The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento.  For more information, check out the Annual Meeting’s website here: Annual Meeting Website

July 2023 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: July 26, 2023

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Attendance: 27 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees and started the meeting.


President Keoni Wasano announced upcoming meetings. See list below for upcoming meetings:
August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 21, 2023 – DTS Skyline Rail Tour
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social

Committee Chair Updates

Legislative/Jefferson: Most of bills we’re watching didn’t make it far and a few were signed.
OMPO/Robert: Reminder about RTP review, see email with link
Student Liaison/Chayson: ITE student chapter is planning for Resume Workshop sometime in the first week of September
Student Chapter/Ruimin: ITE student chapter is planning to host an event at the UH Manoa Blueprint Event for incoming freshman

National/District Updates

Jenny Morrill reminded everyone about the Joint International and Western District Annual Meeting in Portland coming up in August.

Keoni Wasano reminded everyone about the Western District Elections.  Check email for link to vote.


Keoni Wasano introduced guest speaker, Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.  He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park and his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.  He then did a presentation on Understanding Pedestrian Route Choices where he presented results from the pedestrian route choice study of community members on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus.  Their goal is to expand on the vehicular network to get a complete pedestrian network.  They used the UH Manoa campus as a case study with GPS trackers on the volunteers and mapped the pedestrian network for the campus as the result.

Dr. Chen’s presentation is available here.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the speaker and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 2023 – DTS Skyline Rail Tour (Click here for flyer)
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social (Click here for flyer)

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

June 2023 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: June 22, 2023

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Attendance: 28 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees and started the meeting.


President Keoni Wasano announced upcoming meetings. See list below for upcoming meetings:
July 19, 2023 – Virtual Meeting with Dr. Roger Chen
August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 2023 – Rail Tour
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social

Committee Chair Updates

No Updates

National/District Updates

Section Administrator Cathy Leong announced the 2023 Western District Secretary-Treasurer candidates. Candidates are Josh McNeill and Ryan Zellers. To find more information the candidates, click here: https://westernite.org/news/2023-western-district-elections-and-candidates/


Cathy Leong introduced guest speaker, Peter Koonce as the candidate for ITE 2023 Western District International Director. He is a licensed transportation engineer from Portland, Oregon with nearly 25 years of experience in both the private and public sector implementing solutions for transportation. He then did a presentation on Vision Zero and the MUTCD. He talked about the incorporation of safety to meet community Vision Zero Goals and how the MUTCD needs to change to enable engineers the flexibility we need to meet today’s challenges.

Peter’s presentation is available here.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the speaker and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

July 19, 2023 – Virtual Meeting with Dr. Roger Chen
August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 2023 – Rail Tour
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Western Districts Annual Meeting: https://www.westernite.org/annualmeeting/

April 2023 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: April 26, 2023

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Attendance: 23 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed the attendees and started the meeting.


President Keoni Wasano announced the open registration for the ITE Joint International & Western District Annual Meeting.  More information can be found here: https://www.iteannualmeeting.org/

Registration is also open for the ITE Hawaii Section Technical Solutions Event in May 2023. We’re changing the format this year so you all can see more presentations.  There will be three 30-minute sessions throughout the afternoon with 2 presentations during each session in separate breakout rooms.  The schedule for the event and detailed information can be found on the website under “Technical Solutions Event” (link provided below as well). Presentations will be from Transnomis, Rekor, PTV Group, Swarco, Google and Iteris. Registration for ITE members and agency members is free, non-member fee is $10.  For more information, click here: https://www.ite-hawaii.org/technical-solutions-event/.

Committee Chair Updates

No Updates

National/District Updates

Section Administrator Cathy Leong reminded everyone that the upcoming Western District Meeting is scheduled to be in-person and held in Portland, OR on August 13-16, 2023.  


Cathy Leong introduced the guest speaker, Brian Canepa who is a Planner and Principal at W-Trans specializing in innovative parking and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plans designed to promote prudent sustainability and maximize available resources.  His presentation was on how similar to Honolulu’s Bill 2, other public agencies have implemented no minimum parking requirements including a bill that was recently enacted in California (AB2097) that prohibits public agencies or cities from imposing a minimum automobile parking requirement on most development projects located within a half-mile radius of a major transit stop.  He discussed the potential ramifications of this new statewide law along with the experiences of other jurisdictions tackling the same issue. In addition, he shared some lessons learned about the implementation and impact of these types of legislature.

Brian’s presentation is available here.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the speaker and announced the upcoming meetings listed below:

May 17, 2023 – Technical Solutions Event

June 22, 2023 – Hybrid Section Meeting with Peter Koonce on Vision Zero

July 19, 2023 – Virtual Section Meeting with Dr. Roger Chen from UH Manoa

August 13-16, 2023 – ITE Joint International & Western District Annual Meeting

Upcoming Event Links

May 2023 Technical Solutions Event: https://www.ite-hawaii.org/technical-solutions-event/

2023 ITE Western Districts Annual Meeting: https://www.westernite.org/annualmeeting/

January 2023 Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: January 25, 2023

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Attendance: 33 Participants

Welcome attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed the attendees and started the meeting.

Committee Chair Introductions

  • Legislative Co-Chair – Jefferson Young
  • Technical Committee Chair – Yifeng Mao
  • OMPO Representative – Robert Nehmad
  • HCES Co-Chair – Warren Yamamoto/Joel Thomas
  • Student Chapter Co-Liaison – Chayson Dulatre/Joshua Ramelb

National/District updates

International Director Cathy Leong reminded everyone that the upcoming Western District Meeting is scheduled to be in-person and held in Portland, OR on August 13-16, 2023.  Cathy also announced that the International Virtual Student Leadership Summit is scheduled for February 24-26, 2023. Cathy then encouraged members to submit local projects for the Transportation Project of the Year award. The Western District panel will select a winner for each category; Complete Streets, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), Safety, Planning, and Traffic Engineering. In addition, one of the five selected projects will be awarded the Western Districts Transportation Project of the Year award. Links for all these events are provided below.


Cathy Leong introduced the guest speaker, Randy McCourt, a now retired traffic engineer in Oregon for his presentation on the updated ITE “Guide for Vertical Deflection Speed Reduction and Other Related Measures: A Recommended Practice”. Randy’s presentation provided an overview and key highlights of this guide.

Randy’s presentation is available here.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the speaker and announced that there will not be a virtual meeting for February but we’re encouraging all ITE members to attend/participate in this month’s events.  The first event will be the ITE Student Chapters Virtual Resume Workshop on Thursday, February 16 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM and/or Friday, February 17 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.  The second event is the Engineer’s Week Outreach event on Monday, February 20 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Windward Mall Center Court.  Information to be provided in an email update.

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Western Districts Annual Meeting: https://www.westernite.org/annualmeeting/
International Virtual Student Leadership Summit: https://www.ite.org/events-meetings/student-leadership-summits/
Western District Project of the Year: https://westernite.org/western-district-awards/transportation-project-of-the-year/
ITE Technical Conference: Innovative Intersections and Streets, March 14-15, 2023: https://www.itetechconference.org/