July 2023 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: July 26, 2023

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Attendance: 27 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees and started the meeting.


President Keoni Wasano announced upcoming meetings. See list below for upcoming meetings:
August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 21, 2023 – DTS Skyline Rail Tour
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social

Committee Chair Updates

Legislative/Jefferson: Most of bills we’re watching didn’t make it far and a few were signed.
OMPO/Robert: Reminder about RTP review, see email with link
Student Liaison/Chayson: ITE student chapter is planning for Resume Workshop sometime in the first week of September
Student Chapter/Ruimin: ITE student chapter is planning to host an event at the UH Manoa Blueprint Event for incoming freshman

National/District Updates

Jenny Morrill reminded everyone about the Joint International and Western District Annual Meeting in Portland coming up in August.

Keoni Wasano reminded everyone about the Western District Elections.  Check email for link to vote.


Keoni Wasano introduced guest speaker, Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.  He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park and his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.  He then did a presentation on Understanding Pedestrian Route Choices where he presented results from the pedestrian route choice study of community members on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus.  Their goal is to expand on the vehicular network to get a complete pedestrian network.  They used the UH Manoa campus as a case study with GPS trackers on the volunteers and mapped the pedestrian network for the campus as the result.

Dr. Chen’s presentation is available here.

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked the speaker and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

August 13-16, 2023 – Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting in Oregon
September 2023 – DTS Skyline Rail Tour (Click here for flyer)
October 26, 2023 – ITE Hawaii Annual Meeting Social (Click here for flyer)

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.