October 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: October 26, 2023

Venue: In-Person Meeting

Attendance: 33 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees at the Annual Meeting.


Keoni acknowledged our special guest, Kimberly Leung (Western District President).

Grant deadlines for the C.S. Papacostas Grant and the Fred Smoot Grant will be January 1, 2024. For more information and for the application, please click here.

Committee Chairs

Legislative Committee – Current chair, Jefferson Young will continue in 2024
Technical Committee – Yifeng Mao (stepping down for new career in Washington)
HCES Committee – Warren Yamamoto (stepping down in 2024)/Joel Thomas to take over in 2024
OMPO Representative – Robert Nehmad (stepping down in 2024)
Student Chapter President – Jonah Lorica (stepping down in 2024)/Ruimin Lin (Current)
Student Chapter Professional Liaison – Current co-chairs Chayson Dulatre/Joshua Ramelb to continue in 2024


Keoni gave a quick review of the meetings and accomplishments of the Hawaii Section. The following were mentioned:
May – 3rd Annual Technical Solutions Event
August – ITE Joint International/Western District Annual Meeting where the chapter as well as some of our members received awards.
September – DTS Skyline Rail Tour
4 Sections meetings including our first hybrid meeting

Then Keoni presented this years Appreciation Award to Yifeng Mao for his contributions to the Hawaii Section and helping to make the DTS Rail Tour possible.

Cathy Leong then announced the Election Results (see below) and our special guest Kimberly Leung swore in the officers.
President – Keoni Wasano
Vice President – Michelle Lindsey
Secretary-Treasurer – Joel Thomas

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked everyone for attending and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

February 2024 – Engineer’s Week (We will be looking for volunteers so please be on the lookout for our emails regarding this event)
Western District Annual Meeting in Sacramento June 23-26, 2024 (Hotel and meeting registration is open. For more information, please click here.

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.