January 2024 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: January 31, 2024

Venue: Virtual

Attendance: 30 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed in all attendees


Any students interested in applying for our grants, our deadline has been extended to mid-February, 2024.

Introduction and Topic

Dr. Billie Louise “Beezy” Bentzen, COMS, PhD Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist spoke on PROWAG and MUTCD 2023: Implications for Pedestrians who have Vision Disabilities.

Presentation Highlights

Implications of PROWAG/MUTCD on our industry
Differences between PROWAG and ADAAG and what’s expected in the future
Other provisions such as for roundabouts, detectable warnings, and protruding objects

Meeting Minutes

Click here for Presentation Slides.

Next Meeting

February 28, 2024 – MUTCD Updates. Click here to Register.

Upcoming Events

2024 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.