Category: Meeting Summary

November 2018 Meeting Highlights

President Claire Fukuoka opened the meeting by initiating introductions from everyone.  After the introductions, Western District International Director Elect Cathy Leong shared some announcements.  She encouraged other members to consider attending the upcoming Western district annual meeting to be held in Monterey, California in June 2019.  In addition, Cathy also provided new updates on ITE …

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October 2018 Meeting Highlights

Claire opened the meeting by initiating introductions from everyone in the group. Cristina then introduced the speaker Kiana, who is a transportation planner at OahuMPO. She started the meeting by giving an overview of what OahuMPO does and the purpose of this organization. She went on to explain what “pricing solutions” are and how they …

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August 2018 Meeting Highlights

Western District International Director Elect and Western District Task Force member Cathy Leong presented on the ITE International’s One ITE Initiative.  Cathy outlined the goals of the ITE One Initiative which are to deliver a consistent member experience, to provide effective member support, and to ensure the long-term viability of ITE.  The missions and purposes …

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June 2017 Meeting Highlights

President Sara Okuda welcomed everyone to the section meeting and went over several announcements: • The ITE Western District Annual Meeting is July 10-13 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. • The ITE International Annual Meeting is set for August 14-17 in Anaheim, California. • Reminder to members to submit their ballots for the Western District before …

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May 2017 Meeting Highlights

Sara Okuda, Hawaii Section President, facilitated the May meeting. After quick introductions to familiarize new faces at the meeting, Chad Kadokawa, Hawaii Section Vice-President, introduced Jon Young, Executive Director of the Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI). In his role as Executive Director, Jon is a member of the National Asphalt Pavement Association’s (NAPA) Sustainability Committee …

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March 2017 Meeting Highlights

Cathy Leong, Western District Past President, facilitated the March meeting. After quick introductions to familiarize new faces at the meeting, Cathy reported on the section’s recent community service Adopt-A-Highway event, which occurred on Saturday, March 4, 2017. Cathy introduced Karen Aspelin, Senior Transportation Engineer with Parametrix, Inc., who currently serves as the traffic engineer for …

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November 2016 Meeting Highlights

Cathy Leong, Western District Past President, facilitated the November meeting. After quick introductions to familiarize new faces at the meeting, Cathy announced the section’s upcoming community service Adopt-A-Highway event, which will occur on Saturday, November 19, 2016. Cathy introduced Rock Miller, Senior Principal for Stantec Consulting in Irvine, California, who gave a presentation about protected …

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September 2016 Meeting Highlights

Newly elected President, Sara Okuda, facilitated her first meeting as President at the September Meeting which was held at Wilson Okamoto Corporation. To start the meeting, Sara facilitated introductions around the room, asking everyone to each introduce themselves with their name, place of work/school, and who introduced them to ITE Hawaii. Sara then announced the …

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June 2016 Meeting Highlights

The ITE Annual Hawaii Section Meeting was held on June 22nd at the Plaza Club Ballroom. President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the meeting and went over a few announcements. Vice President Sara Okuda then introduced Chris Clark from the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, who spoke on the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (ORTP) 2040. Cathy …

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April 2016 Meeting Highlights

On April 27, 2016, President Nita Wolfgramm opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the Hawaii Section April Meeting at the Wilson Okamoto Corporation office. Cathy Leong, Western ITE District President, then mentioned that elections for next year’s officers will be held soon. The slate of candidates for the 2016-2017 elections includes the following: President: Sara …

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