October 2018 Meeting Highlights

Claire opened the meeting by initiating introductions from everyone in the group. Cristina then introduced the speaker Kiana, who is a transportation planner at OahuMPO. She started the meeting by giving an overview of what OahuMPO does and the purpose of this organization. She went on to explain what “pricing solutions” are and how they can not only affect traffic congestion but also improve air pollution and provide a source of revenue for other transportation or maintenance projects. Some of the challenges include feasibility implementation, concerns such as how it can affect low-income travelers and political feasibility. She dove into a case study of how London implemented a pricing solution and how it has affected its urban core. An after study was conducted and found that there was a 30% decrease in the number of cars entering the urban core and 15% of circulating vehicles were reduced. She concluded by explaining the New York has been considering implementing this option for several years now but due to political reasons it has not happened yet. It was then discussed how feasible it would for a city like Honolulu to implement this.