June 2017 Meeting Highlights

President Sara Okuda welcomed everyone to the section meeting and went over several announcements:

• The ITE Western District Annual Meeting is July 10-13 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
• The ITE International Annual Meeting is set for August 14-17 in Anaheim, California.
• Reminder to members to submit their ballots for the Western District before the ITE Western District Annual Meeting.

Vice President Chad Kadokawa then introduced Renee Espiau, City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Branch Chief, speaking on the TOD implementation strategies for communities on Oahu.

Renee opened with a brief introduction about TOD and the general plan for neighborhood TOD plans on Oahu, which will be centered primarily around the future Honolulu Rail Transit stations to encourage transit use and revitalization of communities near transit. Renee summarized the main highlights and characteristics of each TOD neighborhood, identifying action items for each. Renee also spoke about upcoming updates to City policies to promote TOD implementation strategies. Renee concluded her presentation by answering any questions from the audience.

Cathy Leong, Western ITE District Past-President, then announced and swore in the new 2017-2018 ITE Hawaii Section Officers:

• President: Chad Kadokawa
• Vice President: Claire Fukuoka
• Secretary-Treasurer: Cristina Rodriguez