Category: News

Hawaii Section Donation to the Endowment Fund

The ITE Hawai‘i Section recently donated $1,080 in memory of Constantinos Papacostas to Richard T. Romer Student Endowment Fund (SEF).  We recently received a thank you letter from the SEF Committee Chair.  To date, the Section has raised over $4,000 for the SEF in memory of Costas.  See the Section’s article on the Western District …

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ITE 2015 Survey

Please take a few minutes to fill out our ITE Survey. If submitted by September 4th 2015, you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card of your choice!!! Please email completed surveys to THANK YOU!

September 2015 Wiliki

Wiliki Article click here

Western District Annual Meeting Awards for the Hawaii Section

Hawaii Section President Nita Wolfgramm and Vice President Sara Okuda attended the recent Western District Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Nita accepted two Endowment Fund awards on behalf of the Hawaii Section.  The first award was a plaque recognizing the contributions made in memory of Costas Papacostas and the second award recognized the Hawaii Section …

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August 2015 Wiliki

August 2015 Wiliki

2015-2016 Section Officers

Congratulations to our new 2015-2016 Hawaii Section officers: President Juanita Wolfgramm Vice President Sara Okuda Secretary Chad Kadokawa Treasurer Chance Morrill

2015-2016 Hawaii Section Elections

The Hawaii Section is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the upcoming 2015-2016 section elections.  They are as follows: President              Juanita Wolfgramm Vice President     Sara Okuda Secretary              Chad Kadokawa Treasurer              Chance Morrill Ballot …

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2014-2015 Election Results

Congratulations to the newly elected Hawaii Section Board! President: Pete Pascua Vice President: Natasha Soriano Secretary: Sara Toyama Treasurer: Robert Nehmad Director: Mike Packard  

2012-2013 Hawaii Section Officers

The results of the 2012-2013 Hawaii Section elections were announced at the June Meeting.