April in person/virtual hybrid Meeting Highlights

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM – Officer Meeting

11:45 AM: Introduction ITE International Director Candidates Kimberly Leung and Joe De La Garza. Click the names to see the profiles and please get out and vote!

Introduction and Topic

Peter Koonce, PE spoke in person on Artificial Intelligence use in Traffic Signal System Management.

Presentation highlights

Artificial Intelligence helps address limited workforce, reduces costs of implementation, and helps create a safer environment.

AI helps make use of the data that is collected via our smart phones and vehicles and can be used to integrate into our traffic signal systems. This helps cut down traffic time and improve public transportation. The data can be collected and dashboards created that help City agencies implement these measures.

Click here for the slides to the presentation.

Next Meeting: May 22, 2024 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Don’t forget to register for our Technical Solutions Event which will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, May 22 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. There will be three 30-minute sessions throughout the afternoon.  The first two sessions will include 2 presentations in separate breakout rooms and the final session will include a panel talking about the future of Traffic Signal Controllers.  See presentations from Applied Information, Iteris, Carmanah, Ouster, Econolite, Q Free, and Swarco.  Registration for ITE members and agency members is free, non-member fee is $10. Detailed information and the registration link here.

2024 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.