March 2013 Meeting Highlights

President Packard called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm.  He announced the upcoming ITE and Hawaii Section elections, and provided some candidate information.  He also announced that he had some flyers regarding the Complete Streets demonstration project that is being planned for Mother’s Day (May 12, 2013) in Kaka’ako.

Vice-President Wolfgramm introduced the speaker, Kelly Cruz from the City & County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services.

Ms. Cruz presented information on the Tyre Grip product that was recently installed on Tantalus and Round Top Drives in reaction to neighborhood complaints regarding racing, speeding, and drifting that was occurring on those roadways.  She showed a few video clips of the product being applied.  Some of the issues that occurred following installation were: 1) problems with loose gravel, 2) graffiti on the Curve Warning signs and chevrons, 3) and the community requesting removal of the additional signage.  She then took a few questions from the audience.  Ms. Cruz said the estimated lifespan of the product is about 5 years.

Ms. Cathy Leong announced the status of the ITE Western District Student Endowment Fund and that the Hawaii Section had made another donation to the fund, bringing its level of support to Gold status.

President Packard announced that the Student Chapter at the University of Hawaii at Manoa no longer had any active students, so encouraged those present to contact him if they knew of anyone who might be interested in being involved in ITE.