Vertical Deflection
In December 2022, ITE published its final recommended practice for “A Guide to Vertical Deflection Speed Reduction Techniques: Planning and Design of Speed Humps, Speed Tables and Other Related Measures.” This guide was prepared to reflect the current state-of-the-practice and provide the user with a broad overview of key considerations for vertical deflection measures as speed reduction techniques including speed humps, speed tables, raised pedestrian crossings, raised intersections, and traffic calming roundabouts. Our guest speaker, Randy McCourt, was a key member on the technical advisory committee that oversaw the production of this document. Join us as he shares his insights about this recently published recommended practice.
- Speed Reduction Techniques A Guide to Vertical Deflection Speed Reduction Techniques: Planning and Design of Speed Humps, Speed Tables and Other Related Measures
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Speaker Bio:
Randy McCourt is retired in Portland, Oregon having served as President of DKS Associates and International ITE. He is a graduate of Oregon State University and the University of California, Berkeley. He presently is active in several areas of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices including bus applications, CAV, dynamic message signs, LED, setting of speed limits, automated enforcement, pedestrian crossing safety, parking signs, and site roadways open to public travel. He led the task force activity to update the Guide for Vertical Deflection Speed Reduction Techniques – Planning and Design of Speed Humps, Speed Tables and Other Related Measures: A Recommended Practice.