The Ka’ahumanu Avenue Community Corridor Master Plan
By Lauren Armstrong, Executive Director, Maui MPO
Maui County received a grant from the State of Hawai‘i to fund the Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Community Corridor study to look at opportunities for transit-oriented development within a half-mile buffer. A “community corridor” is a place that makes it easy for people to take the bus and to walk, bike, and roll. It is also a place that has many different types of affordable housing options; provides connections to schools, services, and jobs; and includes great community spaces that are welcoming and fun. The Master Plan includes a land use assessment, demographic and travel analysis, mobility system assessment, water and utility systems, market analysis and affordable housing assessment. Planners from the County of Maui Planning Department and Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will share an update on the Master Plan.
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Speaker Bios:
Lauren Armstrong, Executive Director, Maui MPO
Lauren Armstrong joined Maui MPO as Executive Director in September 2016. Lauren has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Middlebury College and a Master’s degree in Urban & Regional Planning from UH Mānoa. Lauren worked as an environmental planner for Townscape Inc. on O‘ahu, then as a community planner for Marin County in California, with a focus on climate adaptation and public outreach programs.
Pam Eaton, Planning Program Administrator, County of Maui
Pam joined the County of Maui in 2011 as the Division Chief for the Water Resources & Planning Division within the Department of Water Supply. In 2014, she became the Division Chief of the Long Range Division within the Planning Department. Pam received her bachelor’s degrees in Government and Economics from Georgetown University and a Master’s Degree in Oceanography and Marine Policy from the University of Rhode Island. In working for federal, state, municipal and county government, Pam has over 37 years of experience with public policy, transportation & land use planning, flooding and coastal hazards, emergency management, watershed management, public outreach and training, local, state and federal legislative analysis and development, and climate change impact and adaptation assessments.