A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, September 23, 2020. There were 15 ITE members and 5 non-ITE members in attendance. Vice President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided a few Section updates. First, Kelly discussed the first virtual resume review workshop that was held between September 7-11, 2020. The workshop …
Category: News
Sep 23
September Section Meeting
Find the Slow Streets presentation given by Kimberly Leung from SFMTA here. Kim can be reached at kimberly.leung@sfmta.com for any questions.
Aug 04
2021 Hawaii Section Elections
We are pleased to announce the candidates for the upcoming 2021 Hawaii Section elections. They are as follows: President: Kelly Akasaki Vice President: Jasmine Teramae-Kaehuaea Secretary/Treasurer: Keoni Wasano Ballots will be sent out to eligible section members on September 15th by email. Our Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 21st. Please note that officer …
Feb 25
February 2020 Meeting Highlights
A section meeting was held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at the Wilson Okamoto Corporation Conference Room. President Jennylyn Tapat welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Following the introductions, Jennylyn asked the committee chairpersons to provide any new updates from the committees. Legislative Committee Chairperson Wayne Yoshioka began with a …