August 2015 Meeting Highlights

The ITE Hawaii Section meeting was held on August 26, on 9th floor of the Fasi Municipal Building

President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the section meeting and went over several announcements:
• The Hawaii Section has donated $1,080 to the Richard T. Romer Student Endowment Fund in memory of Papacostas (so far $4,000 has been donated in the name of Costas).
• The Hawaii Section has accepted two Endowment Fund awards: 1) The first award was a plaque recognizing the contributions made in memory of Costas Papacostas. 2) The second award recognized the Hawaii Section as the Highest Contributor to the Endowment Fund per Member for the previous year.
• Congratulations to Cathy Leong who has been elected ITE Western District President.
• Neighbor islands are now able to view our meeting via web-cam. Today was a trial run.
• Surveys were created and passed out to members on suggestions of improving our section. For members who submit their surveys by Friday September 4th, would be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card of their choosing.
• There are two seminars coming up at UH Manoa Holmes Hall 244: 1) “Variable Speed Limit Control to Improve Freeway Operations” on Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 4:30-5:30 pm by Dr. Chen. 2) “New Measure, Evaluation Method and Consensus Building for Livable Streets.” On Thursday, September 3, 2015 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm by Dr. Kojima.

An ice breaker was then initiated by Nita to introduce someone that he/she does not work with. Members were asked to find out the person’s name, where they work and why did they come today or what was the best thing that happened to them this week. It was a great ice breaker and everyone enjoyed socializing.

Vice President Sara Okuda then introduced Maaza Mekuria from the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, speaking on Transportation Systems Performance Measurement.

Maaza opened with Transportation Systems Performance Measurement is a core requirement of Map-21. He continued stating that travel time reliability is one of the key indicators in the performance of transportation facilities and that the National Performance Measurement Research Dataset (NPMRDS) is a data set of average travel times intended for use in performance measurement. Maaza explained that FHWA has acquired a national data set of average travel times in 5 minutes epochs that is being made available to State Department of Transportation’s (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) as an input for performance measurement analysis. The availability of this large travel time probe data across a regional transportation network opens new avenues and challenges to analyze transportation systems performance. The presentation showed a sample visualization of the travel times on Oahu using NPMRDS data.