On July 31, Director Yoshida, in the absence of the President and Vice President, called the meeting to order. He congratulated Cathy Leong on being elected Western District Secretary-Treasurer, and reported that she attended the District Meeting , July 14-17.
Leong reported that the Western District Annual Meeting took place in Phoenix, Arizona, in which she was the only Hawaii Section member in attendance. However, Hawaii was not forgotten, as our Section received an award for becoming a Gold Level contributor to the Student Endowment Fund. Leong reported that the Mitey Race went well, as 30 teams competed. The next meeting will be a Joint meeting with the Midwestern district in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Director Yoshida introduced speaker Tony Ching from the Hawaii Community Development Authority:
Mr. Ching, dressed in fluorescent yellow, explained that he was wearing the safety color as both a bicyclist and to represent the construction that’s taking place in Kakaako. He talked about the ladder of affordable housing and how there are reserved housing categories based on qualifying income. He presented the upcoming projects in the Kakaako Community Development District and discussed transit oriented