The February meeting was held on February 29, 2012 at SSFM International. The guest speaker was Mr. Dean Nakagawa – Manager, Statewide Transportation Planning Office.
Dean Nakagawa presented on the 2011 Hawai‘i Statewide Transportation Plan (HSTP), the seventh and latest in a series that date back to 1961. The HSTP is a policy document that focuses on providing guidance to system level and master plans of the primary modes of transportation in Hawai‘i.
The theme of the 2011 HSTP is “Making Connections.” This refers not just to connections among transportation modes, but also to other jurisdictions in the global economy. The 2011 HSTP refers to making connections between transportation and other concerns important to Hawai‘i, including protection of the natural environment, making the land use transportation connection, supporting the economy, and improving quality of life. The rainbow, common in Hawai‘i, is used to symbolize
making connections as well as bridging across geography, time, and culture.