1998 Meeting Highlights

November, 1998

The November luncheon meeting was held at the Nuuanu YMCA.

President Susan Uejo announced that the first ITE Golf tournament is being planned for either late April of early May, 1998.

Member Jayson Imai gave a report about the technical presentation on traffic loop detection held on November 6 by Phoenix Pacific Incorporated. He indicated that this useful workshop provided operational information and hands-on demonstration of detector/controller functions.

OMPO representative Julian Ng submitted his report via e-mail. He reported that:

  • Mr. Goro Sulijoadikusumo spoke to the OMPO Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) about planning for ferry systems.
  • The results of the TIP survey to which attendees to our October meeting responded have been forwarded to the CAC committee for inclusion in their deliberations.
  • A meeting of the CAC Transportation Enhancement Evaluation Panel was held on Thursday, November 12. Input was provided based on the results of the ratings provided as part of the survey which was done at ITE’s last meeting.
  • The next meeting of the CAC is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 18 at the Honolulu Municipal Building (6th Floor). Joe Migaldi, DTS Deputy Director, will discuss the results of Round 1 of the public participation process related to Trans2K.
  • Mr. Goro Sulijoadikusumo of the Hawaii DOT Statewide Transportation Planning (STP) office was the featured speaker. He distributed information relating to on-going activities to implement a viable, self-sustaining Ferry System.

He explained that this effort is closely related to a renewed emphasis on ehnancing the state’s economy by strengthening Hawaii’s maritime industry.

A steering committee was convened by the Director of Transportation in the Spring of 1997 that issued a report entiltled “Preliminary Investigation of Ferry Systems” in December of the same year. The 1998 State Legislature passed Act 221 which authorised the DOT to pursue an intra-island ferry demonstration project for Oahu. At the federal level, TEA-21 provides funding to support ferry systems as well.

In response to these developments, the DOT established an interagency Task Force under the direction of STP to identify the economic considerations for a viable ferry system on Oahu, to identify opportunities to improve mobility and other issues such as enviromental and community concerns. A request for proposals was issued in July of this year seeking peak-period commuter services by ferry between Barbers Point, the Airport area and Middle Loch and downtown Honolulu. Park-and-ride facilities at the leeward locations and special shuttle bus collection/distribution services at both ends are part of the system. Responses to the RFP are being evaluated. Mr. Sulijoadikusumo described the 12-18 month demonstration as an “operationa planning study” intended to provide answers to relevant questions including service requirements, marketing and off-peak commercial opportunities.

Beyond the Oahu demonstration study, the STP is looking toward developing a Statewide Ferry System Master Plan that identifies service requirements, administrative and regulatory structures including public-private partnerships, as well as potential funding sources. System implementation is the ultimate objective.

October, 1998

President Susan Uejo announced that the section is cooperating with the City and County of Honolulu to prepare an Engineers’ Week display. Clyde Shimizu and Keith Niiya are leading this effort.

Mike Miyamoto is heading a committee to organize a golf tournament next spring.

Julian Ng, our represesntative to the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, distributed a survey to be used for identifying regional transportation and enhancement project priorities.

Fred Smoot of Phoenix Pacific, Inc. announced that a seminar on in-ground loops and loop detectors has been scheduled for November 6. Those who wish to attend should call him at 841-7617. He will post additional details on the ITE web site.

The invited luncheon speaker was Abe Wong, FHWA Hawaii Division Administrator. He introduced Sue Clecker, the recently appointed Assistant Division Administrator who will take the lead role in the area of planning.

Abe discussed the major provisions of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) the successor to ISTEA. He explained that TEA-21 has a major impact in the financial area but no dramatic change in program structure. It provides $218 billion, or 40% above ISTEA’s appropriation.

A special provision, known as the “minimum quarantee,” ensures that no state receives less that 90.5% of their contributuin to the Highway Trust Fund. Hawaii remains a donee state but at a lower marginal rate than before.

Demonstration projects (now known as “high priority projects”) are included as part of each state’s share. Seven such projects amounting to $50.8 million are specified for Hawaii. This allocation is apportioned equally to each year covered by TEA-21 (1998-2003).

Safety is the area of top priority and includes an incentive to states that enact a 0.08 blood alcohol limit. Hawaii has already passed such a law and qualifies for a $700,000 reward.

Other areas covered by the law include research & technology, planning, environment, ITS and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Conformance to the National ITS architecture and emerging standards is required and design-build is permitted for projects exceeding $50 million.

Finally, the conversion to the metric system is no longer mandated.

September, 1998

The meeting was held at the Nuuanu YMCA on September 22.

President Susan Uejo summarized the last two meetings of the new executive board:

She reported that Clyde Shimizu, Technical Chair, is exploring possibilities for next year’s Engineers’ Week display. Members willing to help with this endeavor should contact him.
Clyde Shimizu and Julian Ng agreed to continue serving, respectively, as our HCES and OMPO representatives.
The Board is exploring ways to encourage student participation in ITE activities.
Vice President C. S. Papacostas has been selected to be the Director of the Hawaii Technical Assistance Program (HLTAP) at the University of Hawaii.

Costas described LTAP as an extension service/technology transfer center sponsored by the State DOT and FHWA. He indicated that it is one of 57 such centers (one in each state, one in Puerto Rico and six addressing the needs of Indian Tribes).

He presented a brief history of federal participation in roadbuilding technology transfer, beginning with the establishment of the Ofice of Road Inquiry in 1896.

The national LTAP program was established in 1982 as a special project funded as a “set aside” in FHWA’s budget request to the U. S. Congress. It was considerably stengthened by the 1991 ISTEA, and has received continued support via TEA21. Over the years it has established a large network of local centers, partnerships with other entities (such as the Office of Technology Applications, the National Highway Institute and the National Technology Transfer Clearinghouse). It has also entered into cooperative arrangements with organizations such as the American Public Works Association, AASHTO, and the National Association of County Engineers.

Each of the 57 LTAP centers is given considerable flexibility (within general guidelines) to formulate its local agenda to meet local needs and has access to a vast network of resource centers.

July, 1998

The annual meeting of the section was held on July 21, 1998 at the University of Hawaii.

Ms. Cheryl D. Soon, Director of Department of Transportation Services, City and County of Honolulu, presented a comprehensive picture of the City’s vision for transportation within the context of urban development.

Ms. Soon noted that the city’s on-going revision of the its development plans incorporates urban growth boundaries to arrest sprawl, a thriving second city in Kapolei, and revitalization of the urban core.

Major thrusts of what she characterized “rethinking transportation” include:

  • Traffic calming in residential neighborhoods
  • Pedestrian and bicycle friendliness
  • Re-examination of bus route systems including a hub-and-spoke structure
  • Application of intelligent transportation technology to transit and highways
  • Increased involvement of the public in identifying and addressing problems
  • Ms. Soon pointed out that a primary transportation corridor study will shortly begin to examine incremental and affordable options including an express bus or light rail service from Pearlridge to the University of Hawaii at Manoa with supporting feeder buses, the potential integration of ferry and bus services and a general reduction in our dependence on automobiles.

Outgoing president Wayne Yoshioka thanked individually all those who have served the section either as members of the executive committee or as ITE representatives to organizations such as OMPO and HCES.

Past presidents Julian Ng and Robert Miyasaki announced the results of the election for next year’s officers. Elected were:

  • Susan Uejo, President
  • C. S. Papacostas, Vice President
  • Pete Pascua, Secretary
  • Terry Brothers, Treasurer


May, 1998

President Wayne Yoshioka announced that ITE Secretary Ann Cadavona has accepted a job in Southern California. He commented that Ann has been the “spark plug” of the Section and wished her well in her new position.

Julian Ng reported that the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization met last week. Gordon Lum, OMPO Executive Director, discussed the relationship between the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (ORTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program. Two OMPO subcommittees presented progress reports. The ORTP subcommittee’s purpose was to propose public involvement strategies for OMPO to consider in its update of the ORTP. The TIP Review Subcommittee’s purpose was to identify ways to improve the TIP process.

Ms Jeanne Schultz, Marketing Manager of The Estate of James Campbell, discussed the importance of good air transportation system/services to Hawaii, especially to meet the global business needs and to support the development of the City of Kapolei.

As Deputy Director of the Airports Division of the Hawaii Department of Transportation from 1989 to 1994, Ms Schultz had concentrated in three areas:

  • Promoting new international routes to Hawaii
  • Enhancing the efficiency of the Customs/Immigration procedures
  • Integrating the operations of the Honolulu International Airport with airports located on the other islands.
  • In Hawaii the State Department of Transportation is overseeing all airports in the state. The Airports Division belongs to the Airport Operators Council
  • International (AOCI) and the Lieutenant Governor’s Office is active in this area.

The establishment of international routes involves treaties with other countries. Difficult negotiations involving several federal departments, the airlines, the states, and the congressional delegations result in what Ms Schultz described as “tenuous connections.” The various parties have different and often conflicting objectives.

For example, the airlines are naturally interested in serving high yield markets, where yield is measured as the ratio of fare to passenger-miles of travel. At 61 cents/passenger-mile, the New York City to Boston market shows the highest yield. Typical business routes are at 38 cents/passenger-mile, whereas leisure routes nationwide ehxibit a yield of 9 cents/passenger-mile.

Due to its geographic isolation, Hawaii’s maximum yield is around 7 cents/passenger-mile. Ms Schultz identified several ways to ehnance this performance and thus increase Hawaii’s attractiveness to the airlines:

  • Increase the demand for business class seats by attracting new business, particularly taking advantage of Hawaii’s location with respect to communication satellites and fiber optic cable connections
  • Ensure a substantial and continuous air cargo market based on diversified agriculture
  • Encourage the involvement of the private sector to support of Hawaii’s vital air links to the rest of the world.
  • Ms Schultz distributed a copy of “Kapolei: Hawaii’s New Business Address” to illustrate that plans for the Second City are both consistent and interrelated with these objectives.


April, 1998

The section met at the Nuuanu YMCA on April 21.

Julian Ng reported that the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization met three times since January. The main issue was the preparation of the Transportation Improvement Plan. A presentation of the State’s Congestion Management System (CMS) that is currently under development was made by Ted Kawashigashi of Austin Tsutsumi Associates.

Clyde Shimizu reported that the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies has decided to keep membership fees at current levels.

Pericles Manthos, the new Administrator of the HDOT Highways Division was the featured speaker. In a free-flowing and stimulating talk, he described a philosophical change from process to product orientation. Other elements include functional reorganization, a project team approach to scoping through implementation, design that incorporates maintenance considerations, enhancement of staff experise and training, a balance between in-house and consultant services, and early involvement of the public in project-related activities.

March, 1998

On March 17, the section visited the H-3 Control Center. Blaine Kawamura, engineer in charge, led a tour of the facility. In addition to state-of-practice traffic surveillance and control, the center monitors pollution concentrations within the one-mile tunnel and coordinates with emergency-response agencies within the state and county.

January, 1998

The section met on January 20, 1998 at the Nuuanu YMCA in Honolulu.

Clyde Shimizu, our new representative on the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES) reported that the major upcoming activity is the Engineers Week which culminates with the Annual Banquet on Friday, February 27, 1998. Additional information will appear in the Wiliki o Hawai’i.

Julian Ng, ITE’s representative on the OMPO Citizen Advisory Committee, reported that the city and state agencies will respond the the CAC Transportation Improvement Program recommendations on January 21. The CAC is forming a subcommittee charged with public involvement in the upcoming update of the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan.

President Wayne Yoshioka encouraged members to join one of three committee’s established in response to a survey of the ITE membership. The three committees are Newsletter, Technical, and Governement/Legislative committee. He also announced that the 6th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual is available and that the 1998 National Conference is scheduled for March 1-4, 1998 in Monterey, California.

The main speaker for the day was Jan Yokoto, Acting Executive Director, Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA). She discussed the current development and transportation related issues in the Kakaako/Waterfront area.

Ms. Yokoto explained that the Kakaako district covers about 700 acres. In terms of zoning and development permits, the HCDA supersedes the City and County of Honolulu. However, there is strong interest in cooperative involvement. The HCDA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the state direstors of Transportation; Budget and Finance; Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; and Department of Accounting and General Services. Additional members include three recommended by the City Council and appointed by the Governor and four appointed directly by the Governor.

The Kakaako redevelopment district is divided by Ala Moana Boulevard into Kakaako Mauka and Kakaako Makai. The HCDA owns little land in Kakaako Mauka and ecourages mixed use/mixed income development. By contrast, the Authority owns considerable acreage and is the leasing agency in Kakaako Makai which emphasizes waterfront development, passive parks and public amenities.

The initial plans, drawn 20 years ago, called for a 45-foot podium emphasizing pedestrian circulation connecting super buildings at that level. However, this has been toned down. The pedestrian emphasis is still prevalent, but at ground level. This pedestrian orientation guides planning of transportation and other infrastructure.

The HCDA is providing infrastructure improvements to attract appropriate development from the private sector.